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Zur Erklärung was ich mit diesem Fotoshop vorhabe und mache.

Instructio what I am going to do with this homepage.






Dieses Fotoshop will in erster  Linie Freude schenken    -   Zu erst ihnen mit den Bildern,   -     dann mir mit einer finanziellen  Spritze      um die Sachen umsetzen zu können,     die nötig für die Natur sind  -  -  -  macht keiner  weil es Geld kostet und nichts an eigenen Vorteilen bringt.    -   -   -   -    Der letzte in der Reihe der sich freut ist der alte jüdische Gott, Elochim,  Zebaoth,  Adonai      unser himmlischer Vater, weil viel seiner Natur zugute kommt.

This fotoshop   is although for the english speaking people

this fotoshop will first give pleasure to everyone - At with the pictures and vidios with are at the moment oney made by my selve - than wiht much doing for the nature    (necessary things are collekting weast, making all things with handtools ouerselve)   at last you can help I gave you  pleasure with the pictures and the vidios, altough with may help throu the vidios

for you is it necessary to ceap one on your computer, so I ment That my creator can give you the informations though me.

Because the nature is the worthes thing what we have,       when it is spoild like now,     no one can live longer,     the fact is that we people have done the treasurey / resources out  of the nature,    because of ouer moneyearning,  and it costs too much too collect the rubbish.    The nowerdays people  think they can doe it there easy way and let there rubbish where this thing are not annymore used for example in the sea because it is easely washed in the sea when they lost it at the beach?   (may new dictionary of    "langenscheid" is fore me very bad because tere are muth words loothen you see it somtimes when you are looking for a word with on that positoon of the word hase an other sighn between the discribed words and that sould be a dictionary for Students - like that are the nowerdayes people with there moneyearning, but you can these doing not easely stop. - - -the last one that this homepage after   you   -  the nature  and    me - -  is the old jewish Loard  (Elochim,   Adonai,  Zebaoth).   realy much pleasure.


Der alte jüdische Gott hat mich und viele Sachen fest im Griff von mir. Ich stehe vor ungelösten Problemen,   so muss ich noch mehr Gott, JHWH überlassen. Mein Teil soviel ich kann zum Gesamtergebnis für Gott, JHWH beisteuern.

The old jewish Loard of heaven has me and the moast of my things solid in the hand. - I am standig fore problems that i am not able to go thruogh - therefor I have to leve more the old jewish Loard of heaven. -   That meansfore me doing as much as I can, These Loard makes it, that these is good fore him and the nature


Wenn ihr meint weil ich mir kein gutes System leisten kann,  ihr müsst mich schädigen legt ihr euch in Wirklichkeit mit dem total unvorstellbar allmächtigen Schöpfer ( unserem himmlischen Vater) JHWH an. Der kennt euch besser als ihr selbst.   -   Es ist furchtbar schrecklich in die Hände des lebendigen  Gottes zu fallen.   Sicher glaubt ihr es mir nicht müsst ihr halt krass erzogen werden von ihm.

 If yuo mean, because of the reason Ican not by a good system for this homepage - you have not to do the rights us hevealy father  (the dold jewish Loard  [E>lochim,  Adonai,  Zebaoth])can not do annything abought your doing   Than you have  to notice - this Loard yor creator knowes you better than you selve. - therefore when you try to do noting ore too less  for these pictures and the help throgh the vidios     you get judge by the Loard of heaven.


Andersherum bin ich verpflichtet mit allem was mir mein Schöpfer zugesteht gut zu haushalten.

Meine Kontoverbindung lautet:       IBAN:   DE07 6925 0035 1055 1939 30,          BIC: SOLADES 1SNG


One the outher side I have to  doe and to get  all in the corect way for and from the heavely father (the old jewish god)

first comes the nature  and     when  you get it is for me necessary then I    my conto-number stands above in wite behind doubble-point.