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Ich möchte ihnen Freude an der Schöpfung eines weisen Gottes schenken, die wir Menschen durch unsere Selbstsucht schon empfindlich gestört haben.

Willkommen   auf der offiziellen Website von ueberleben-fotoshop-yeshuja.de.      Ich bin Hobby-Fotograf und   ich biete ihnen zu günstigen Preisen Porträtfotos aus der Natur an (Menschen, Tiere, Planzen, Minerale, Landshaften, Handwerk Natur-Technik  und Brauchtum). 

Ich möchte uns Menschen,   die Augen und das Herz öffnen für die Schönheit und Belange der Natur.


With this homepage I want to give you pleasure with the nature of the eath and the universe which is a creation of the old jewish Loard of heaven  (Elochim,  Adoai,  Zebaoth).

Which have the human  people by there knowing of the evolution-Theorie horribly distroid.     You see that one signs what are showen us by the nature .




Fore example I watched from the 25-9-2019  to the 27-10-2019            on the backrising of the sun, - I  controlled that  in the beginning of the light where the sun is not on he sky but whithout clouds,     on the shaddow nealy in the whole nature and outersides.           where I was moast of the day,   outside     I am able to say correctly    when the sun rises backword ore something is in the beginning with lite not correct.         In these time there were arond tree days with around 2 to 4 houers and 15 days with more than 4 houers,      with big uncorrects of the sun 

 its too late a normally change in the new world with ouer Loard of heaven,           the old jewish god was bevore   the    "earth death day"          on





wellcome to my homepage   I am a  hobby-fotographer ,     I share with you some of my fotos to more I have no time.

 you pay fore the pictures  if you are helping first the nature,      with collecting rubbish and doing all with you can get normally from the earthface fore example wood sawed in peaces,    leather, I because of my handycaps use it moastly from big annimaies fror hig power using,   for things,   what i want to get me.   Fore example shoes an when it is not so higly stresst with your power than you can try lether,  from other annimales.   For example for warm clothes I use leather with hair from the sheeps.     For my skin of my boddy fore my wood, metal and and stones I use,    i use  the same oil out of the plants of the nature.      if they because this oil is very worth,    meake the price fore this oils very high I mean oney for the poor naturial once,      I make it very quickli to find out easy oil-making-systems with you can use for everyboddy





All is controlled by the Loard of heaven,   the old jewish god    (Elochim,  Adonai,  Zebaoth)  I also as you.

At the moment I have no helpers.  








Ich biete gegen zuallererst Leistungen für die Natur und andere Institutionen / Organisationen und Personen,      eigene und fremde Bilder und Videos der Sparte „Naturaufnahmen, Natur-Handwerk,  -Völker und Brauchtum an.



Der himmlische Vater, der alte jüdische Gott, der Schöpfer der Natur,     trifft für alles die Entscheidung, je nach dem wie er es für richtig hält.

     Die Vidiokopie ist nur für eine Kopie, die im Gebrauch des Käuferes oder des von ihm Beschenkten ist.

Auch für die Arbeitsleistung für die Bilder trifft er die Entscheidung


Mir ist Bekannt, dass gekaufte Bilder und Videos nicht zurück gegeben werden können.







I offer at first  -  for doings fore nature  -  and sekond  -  for outhers and me     -      -      selve made and made by outhers,     pictures and vidios  of the nature,  technics with the nature,    of the profession with the hands,   of traditions of the people.



All is controlling the Loard of heaven, the old jewish god,   the creator,  he dicides in the detail what is going on.

A koppie of a video is onely in the hands of the owner ore in the hands, with gaves the oner this present.

Although fore the pictures how much coppies this person need, when he needs more, than he can joice again.    Sorry,   you moastly know not the of heaven the old jewish Loard   -   He is making the correctly truth.


I know that bued pictures and videos can not be given back.